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Haworthia Maughanii Variegated Due to the variegated gene, the maughanii looks like juicy soft sweets. Medium size, need patient to keep. Growing extremely slow, offer offset which without roots or has a little. Offer seeding poste
2024-04-10 |
PHM-AJ-ZH-TM69 Haworthia Maughanii The windows are interesting. The black lines surround the edge and white line explode on the center. Growing extremely slow, offer offset which without roots or has a little. Offer seeding posterity.
2024-04-10 |
Haworthia Obtusa Variegated It's a model-like obtusa which you can circle all the advantages, that a good obtusa should has. Round windows, transparent windows, blossom-like body shape, beautiful color change and not costly. Gro
2024-04-10 |
Haworthia Truncata 'Ukimo' Ukimo' in Japanese means 'floating alga'. The windows color change between light pink and lake green. Growing extremely slow, offer offset which without roots or has a little. Offer seeding posterity.
2024-04-10 |
Haworthia Picta 'Snow White' The white dots which cover the whole window are so strong that we call the picta 'Snow White'. It is a good parent plant. Growingslow, offer offset which without roots or has a little. Offer seeding p
2024-04-10 |
Haworthia Truncata 'Mammoth' Mammoth' has good wide window gene as be good parent. ''M'' shape leaves are more obvious as the age growing. One of the big size truncata.Growing extremelyslow, offer offset which without roots or ha
2024-04-10 |
Haworthia Maughanii 'Z-1' The purple skinblossom-like veins on windows are eyes-catching. The ice white line get more andmore obvious as the plantgrowing. Growing extremelyslow, offer offset which without roots or has a little
2024-02-23 |
Haworthia Obtusa Variegated This obtusa is cultivate by Bin Garden. It has unique amber color shows on dark green skin. Middle size in obtusa family. Growingslow, offer offset which without roots or has a little. Offer seeding p
2024-02-23 |